Languedoc & Albi, a hilltop treasure & a mighty Cathedral, all built on woad.

Just back from a 9-10 day break, mostly spent in extraordinary, dazzling, dramatic Languedoc. Languedoc, means (Land of) the tongue or Language of Oc -Occitan being the ancient language of the area.   It is a region that has long exercised the medieval-obsessive imagination of your correspondent, your writer-blogger-chappie. As a land of huge Cathar… Read More Languedoc & Albi, a hilltop treasure & a mighty Cathedral, all built on woad.

These were a few of my favourite things.

I’ve not to date participated in that Word Press institution known as “the Daily Prompt”.  You know the one, it’s for those who like to blog everyday, but occasionally find themselves, temporarily, stuck for inspiration.  “The Prompt” is a suggested topic, serving as a nudge to get them writing.   I’ve nothing against it; indeed it’s… Read More These were a few of my favourite things.